History of playing gold miner games :
Gold Mining is an old and classic game. Comparisons of the first version of the "gold mining classic" are a fun part of the creative versions.
The player`s goal is to reach enough gold to pass the level in the given time.
In most versions, the time limit is a major issue of collecting gold for fun. Collecting gold is a fun and easy game. When a gold digger drinks a magical potion, the player collects gold faster.
The first version of the coin can make your own taste and all the elements reach the most beautiful level.
1- Elixir of Correction: Provides Faster Gold Gathering.
2- Rope cutter blow: The one who breaks the rope when a stone is taken instead of gold.
3- ADDITIONAL Timer: Increased Gold Gathering time.
It can be used in addition to or as a backup or replacement for time, fire and safety hassles. One of the most popular gold mining games is the Las Vegas gold mining game.
Certain versions of gold miner game have different obstacles, mole, turtle and underground snake have been added to the game, making it difficult for gold miners to collect gold. Versions that collect device numbers or gems replace the best clothes collector for attention.
Gold miner 4, a Gamikro product, is a name with coin function features of gold miner.
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