Dishwashing Game(clean the plates):
A fun dishwashing game for little kids. Plates and glasses of different colors are dirty in the game. The player`s task in this game is to remove the dirt by touching it with finger. Counting up to 10 is done while cleaning in the game. We aimed this game for the entertainment of young children while played with cheerful sounds.
Note: There will never be ads in this Game ! Because, I made this game for our little girl.:
1-First of all, tap the link from Games page and download the game.
2- App-Store will be opened on iphone or ipad.
3- Tap the game icon on the Tablet or Phone screen.
4- Press the "Play" button on the screen.
5- Clean the dirt by touching the dirty dishes you come across.
5-At the end of the game, how many plates you clean will be recorded.
6- Tap the last button to play again.
7- If you repeat the English numbers aloud, you will learn to count.